"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Great Grandmothers Singer Sewing Machine!

This has been a fantastic week! The other day when I was at my Mamaws she mentioned to me that she still had my Great Grandmothers Singer sewing machine sitting out in her shed and asked if I wanted it. "Of Coarse I do!"This Singer sewing machine has been around a really really long time. I remember as a little girl watching my grandmother sew on this machine and being amazed at all the beautiful things she would make. My Great Grandmother along with my Mamaw and mother are all inedible seamstress. As for myself I am a somewhat of a decent sewer , I have basic sewing skills but nothing like the tree of them. But that will soon change now that I have my grandmothers old Singer. It still works! When I got the Machine home I started cleaning out all of the drawers that were still filled with all my Great Grandmothers things.
It was so neat to see all the different kinds of trim and thread colors you can totally tell the different eras this machine has sewn threw. This machine made the majority of my clothes as a kid. It also was the machine my grandmother used to sew my mothers Beautiful wedding dress. Among all the fun goodies I found a few packages of sewing needle that had probably been purchased in the 1950's the picture of the women sitting around in aprons on the front of the package is priceless. Another thing I discovered was my Grandmothers Tomato Shaped needle cushion (every grandmother had one of these) and her tape measure, now I can't even begin to count the number of times I have been measured with that thing I remember her telling me "Be still its like trying to measure a bull in a china closet" I was a little hyper as a child lol!
I got the Machine all cleaned up and moved it inside to my bedroom, that was where my grandmother keep it. It looks great! Not only will I be able to sew more often having this amazing gift but I will be reminded of wonderful memories every time I see it!


Amy said...

That is so neat. I love the little tomato pin cushions, my mom had one of those :D

Lindy said...

That is so neat! I also love anything of my grandmothers. Looks like you have some pretty neat vintage sewing items.

It looks really well in your bedroom too!

You'll have to let us see what kind of sewing things you whip up! :)

Trina said...

This is so funny, because just this weekend I was thinking I wanted to take pics of my Singer and do a post about it! Mine's from the 70s, it was my mom's. I finally did a little bit of sewing this weekend, it's been awhile :)
So if I still do that post, I promise I am not trying to copy you! LOL

Aimz said...

oooh mine is just like that - very similar - I dated it from 1958 - wonder if yours is the age age?

Beth Ann said...

Oh what a treasured thing! I am soo glad you got it! I had wished for my grandma's but they sold everything at a garage sale before she moved into an apartment! UGH! I could just die!

Coloradolady said...

Oh, I love this. I have my grandmothers machine as well, but you have yours displayed really nicely. It's great you have the wedding picture as well. I love things like this. Great Post.

Unknown said...

So nifty! In my post today I mentioned using the older wooden spools of thread as display in a big clear class jar. I love the needle package!


Neat vintage sewing things! My mom
had that tomatoe pin cushion too!

Anonymous said...

What a treasure! I am so happy for you! My eldest DD is going to inherit my mom's Singer that she made all my clothes on, DD loves to sew and I just can't sew at all.

I love the Susan pic too - that's so cool!


ellen b. said...

That machine looks like it could take off and land. I love the design! Ok your mom really doesn't look old enough to get married. How old was she? The dress is amazing...
How fun to have this machine and all the memories and history to go with it! Enjoy...

Melissa said...

Don't you love things from grandma? They are my favorite things.
Your sewing machine is gorgeous. I love all the things that came in it. My mom used to have a tin similar to the one in the picture full of sewing stuff too.
I also like how you have it decorated in your room. Very nice.
Happy VTT!

Holy Crappers said...

That is awesome!
Mymom was a seamstress and had all of that great stuff!!


Stephanie said...

I have my grandmothers sewing machine too, the table looks exactly like yours but the machine doesn't look quite as old. She also kept hers in her bedroom.

Carrie said...

It's so nice when family belongings are saved to become treasures for the younger generation.

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Wonderful sewing machine--and all the more special that it was your Great Grandmothers!
So many other special sewing treasures to go with it too!
Looks so nice--soom you'll be following in your Moms, Grandmothers, and Great Grandmothers footsteps!
Happy Sewing and Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Fiona said...

My sister has my gran's machine, of an older vintage than yours. But I too have a collection of old threads, needle packs and trim from various relatives, and I love them. Glad to see you are appreciating yours and I loved how you put in the photo of the wedding dress too - lovely!

Threeundertwo said...

I love the style of those vintage Singers! They were built to last in those days.

I love the whole setting you have for it! It's so inviting.

Pamela said...

What a priceless gift. I love that you call your grandmother Mammaw, that's what I called my grandmother.

I have one of those tomato pin cushions and I love it. I use it all the time.