My lovely mother-in-law emailed me this newspaper article today and thought it might be a friend of mine lol!

Posted on Monday, Jul. 28, 2008
A Saginaw mother of five uses coupons to cash in at the grocery store
Have you priced a gallon of milk lately? Seriously, it’s neck-and-neck with a gallon of gas. With grocery prices going up, we’ve all started wincing at the checkout counter. And spending more than ever.
Well, actually — don’t let this make you feel like a sucker, but Ruth Garrett isn’t.
The Saginaw mother of five clipped coupons for years, saving 35 cents here, 50 cents there. But a few years ago, when she realized her family was spending $200 a week on groceries, Garrett decided to get serious about coupons. Now she’s a pro. And thanks to her crazy coupon skills, she can bring home groceries, personal-care products and household necessities for herself, her husband, her five children, three cats and a dog, all for $70 a week. Tops.
1 comment:
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