1 CVS Make-up wipes $2.99
2 pack Trident Gum $1.49 each
Total $5.97
Coupons used: $2.00 off CVS skin care product here
used $2.99 ECB
earned $2.99, $1.00 ECB
1 CVS Make-up wipe $2.99
4 Sure Deodarants $ 2.62 each(by the way do not leave these in a hot car they will melt lol!)
total $13.47
coupons used: $2.00 of CVS Face product from above)
2/ BOGO Sure last sundays insert
used $2.00, $2.99, $1.00 ECB
OOP $.54
earned $6, $2.99 ECB
Tran 3
1 CVS Make-up wipwes $2.99
1 CVS Cotten Balls $1.69(no deal here just needed some)
1 CVS 3pk Paper Towels $1.99
2 Gold Emblem Pretzel 2/.99
Total $7.66
couipons used: $2.00 off CVS Face Product
$1.00 off CVS Paper Towels form coupon machine
$1.00 off/2 Goled Emblem pretzels
used $2.99 ECB
OOP $.67
Total Value Today $27.10
Total OOP $2.27
Total Saved $24.83
1.00 off CVS Paper Towels form coupon machine -- Which coupon machine??? You did awesome!! Thanks for the link to the $2 CVS coupon - I hadn't seen that one.
There is a price scanner/ coupon machine up front you can scan it once a day and it prints out coupons it is awesome!!!!
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