How do you sum up 4 months in one post?
My life has been nothing short of complicated since I last posted. Not to long after the last post I had an emergency appendectomy, it was a short stay in the hospital and back home with my sweet babies. To make a long storey short 5 days later I was back in the hospital suffering from heart failure. I have been diagnosed with
Postpartum Cardiomyopathy, it is heart failure that is a result of pregnancy. I was very fortunate to have had my appendectomy because that surfaced the condition before it got to bad. I take medication and see a cardiologist regularly. I am not sure what this means for my future health but signs are good, we just have to take it one day at a time.
Little Ian is getting so big I cant believe how fast he is growing, it truly does go by faster with the second one. Even though he has only been here 6 months its hard to imagine a time without him. He is my precious gift! He rolled over for the first time when he turned 4 months old and now he acts like he wants to take off crawling CRAZY! I know everybody says there kid has the cutest smile but Ians smile could light up a room. Even when his mouth is not smiling his face still smiles, he has such a bright personality.
Poopoo is turning into a little man. He is constantly cracking me up and he is the best big brother any parents could ask for! He loves his baby brother and hasn't shown one ounce a jealousy, I was really worried before Ian was born that we would have major issues because he is so spoiled but he has proved us all wrong. When Ian was born it was like Paxton grew up over night. I am so proud of him!
I will continue to update my blog when I have the energy. I have missed the blogging world and feel warmed by all the comments of concern I have received in the last several months. Thanks to all my bloggy friends for caring:)