I cant believe it has been two years since I held you in my arms and looked into those beautiful brown eyes for the first time. You will never understand the amount of joy and love you have brought into our hearts. Over the past two years I have watched you grow from a helpless little baby into a energetic little boy. Everyday I am amazed at how smart you are and all the things that you can do. You truly are a blessing and I thank god everyday for giving you to me. Mommy loves you sweet boy. Happy 2ND Birthday.
Love, Mommy
Poopoos 2ND Birthday Party, Elmo Style!!!!
"Mommy Hat"........
Parties over baby.....
Happy Birthday Poopoo!!!!!
He's quite the little man.
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Awww, Happy Birthday Cutie Pie!
aww! he is still a little cutie, but growing into a little stud muffin! hehee, what a doll!
Ella Beth turned 2 on the 19th and I was so excited to see a comment and a post from you! yay! :)
Happy BDAY!!
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