Warning Picture overload!!!!
Friday after my Dr. Appt Me and the Boys went to the Pumpkin Patch with Gammi. The last couple of years we have gone to the same Pumpkin Patch not far from our house but this year we decided to go to one on Gammis side of town. It was awesome and defiantly our new spot!

Paxton just played and played......

They had the cutest little push peddle tractors...

There was a corn field maze, which was harder than it looked. It took a good 20 minutes for us to find our way out! 

Gotta love Poopoos con placement lol...
We went on a hay ride......

It was so much fun it stopped twice once to feed Donkeys....

Happy Fall Y'all!!!
looks like you guys had fun this makes me want to go to the pumpkin patch! Im so glad to hear you are doing better you and your family are still in my prayers and your little ones are just so cute!
Girl! I was wondering where you went! So glad to hear you are ok.
The pumpkin patch looks like fun, I've never been. Your boys are beautiful!!!
Hi! I'm a longtime reader of your blog and live in Fort Worth. I'm a new mom and was wondering where this particular pumpkin patch is? It looks AMAZING!
i left you a little something on my blog : )
thats an amazing pupkin patch. wish ours was like that
If you would like come check out my blog and enter my current giveaway at littlemissheirlooms.blogspot.com
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What fun and what great pictures. My kids have the skeleton outfits too! :)
Just checking in to make sure your doing Ok. Im dying to know how big the boys are now. Hope your Christmas was good.
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