OK I have never had so much trouble picking a color before. So I need every ones help! I have narrowed it down to these two colors.......
The lighter tan/brown I also really like but I am afraid it will be to wimpy, I really prefer bold colors.
What do you think? Please Help!!!!
I really like the darker color...I think it will look nice and cozy! I also like the bolder colors and have taken a risk or two in my days, but I usually go with my favorite ..and it can always be painted over if you don't like it, but I think it will look nice!
Maybe both? lol. I think they look really good next to each other. But I suppose if you have to pick just one maybe the one that is most contrasted with your furniture? Is your furniture dark or light?
My furniture is black and we are covering one whole wall in tin roofing.
I like the lighter color..the darker one looks like poop to me. When I did our nursery I put tape across the middle of the wall and did half dark half light, and you could put a border where they meet.
I like the lighter color :)
I love the dark, but I think you are right...it will make the room look smaller!! The lighter one will look great with the tin!!
I like the tan brown, but if you like the darker one better go for it! I don't think it's too dark!
I like the lighter!
I had the same problem with my bedroom! Its so hard to tell what is going to look like until the whole room is painted then at that point who wants to repaint a room! I think I would go with the lighter but I like Beth's idea to do two separate colors =)
Hi April!
I absolutely love both colors! Why don't you try using both? Have you thought about this? Its a hard choice for me because brown is my favorite color! If you decide on using both colors, let the lighter brown be the primary color. I just think the black furniture would look much better with the tan.
I like the lighter one, I was going to suggest 2 walls on color and the other 2 the other color but since I read that your doing one in tin, that kinda voids that...or maybe opposite wall from the tin do the darker one, and then on the 2 other walls do the lighter?
Oh have fun, its not like you cant ever change it.
I like the lighter color, the darker color is to dark to go with the bedding....:0)
I think the lighter one too. I do like the darker one but compairing it to the bedding you have in the picture I would go with the lighter. Can't wait to see the finished room!
I have to vote for the lighter color. Maybe do one wall in the darker color to accent. Love the bedding by the way!!
ok i really like the darker one bc u will have alot of white and lighter colors in the bedding, Cades room is actually a color in between yr 2 colors and i love it bc i was able to switch from western to sports.... but do what makes it feel comfy u know u will spend many nights in there!!!
I am going to go with the lighter shade
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