Day 11
Today was a great great day!!! I have been working so hard every since my little man was born to build up my milk supply. Since he is a preemie I had to build using a pump, which believe me is not an easy task. I am really starting to feel like a dairy cow and I am getting a little bored with nursing a machine. But being the only thing I can do for him at the moment I really don't mind!
All that changed today!!!! Ian has been so good about taking a bottle the last few times he has feed. Today when I was bottle feeding him his nurse asked if I would like to try and nurse him on his next feeding. I held back the tears "YES!!!!"
So of coarse the next three hours felt like an eternity. I had to get on the phone and brag to my husband about how I was going to get to nurse my sweet boy for the first time.
At last 2:30 rolled around and I sat by his bed side waiting for the lactation nurse to arrive, this was a BIG DAY!
Ian is such a champ, definitely a boob man! He did awesome!!!!! They will only let him nurse for 15 minutes because they have to follow with a bottle to make sure he is getting enough calories. He nursed well the entire 15 minutes and his stats stayed low, which is fantastic! I am so so so proud of my sweet Ian, he really is making great progress.
I would say from the looks of things he was more than satisfied.......

YAY! I am crying for you now. Tears of joy of course, but nothing can replace that feeling of bonding between a mother and a nursing child! So excited about his progress!
Hey girl- I am just getting around to my blogreading and he is GORGEOUS! You must be so proud and thrilled and how is the little man? What does he think of being a big brother?? All of the pics are so precious! Take it easy, girl!
He is just precious! When you get a chance email me your email address so I can send you a blogger invite.
SO sweet! Congrats on the progress!
Way to go!!! If you need any help or boob advice you can always call me. :) Look how big he's gotten already!
He is soooo cute! He looks like he will soon be home!
Congrats April! That is such a huge milestone! I am so happy for you both, and he looks pretty pleased about his new improved diet! What a sweet face!
Sniff, Sniff, ahhh what a great day, and a great feeling, puts a lump in my throat, just thinking about how happy u felt.
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