All of us moms come to this crossroad at one time or another, when does function out weigh style.
If you would of asked me three years ago if I would ever drive a minivan I would of looked at you like you were crazy!!! I was one of those women who claimed I would never drive a minivan no matter how many kids I had! Two kids later I reconsidered.
I started toying with idea of purchasing a minivan after watching my sister-in-law load up her three kids in her minivan faster than I could load up my one kid in the SUV. When u got your hands full power doors sound really appealing!
After several months of looking and negotiating for two weeks on this one particular van, I made the leap to the dark side. I am officially a minivan momma.......

Isn't she pretty!!!
I actually feel pretty sassy driving it around :)
Pretty, she is! And as for you missy, you do not look like you just gave birth! I am so jealous. You look great! :)
I love your new a matter of fact.....I'm on the hunt for one. I had one for about 6 years then decided I wanted a sassy car, not I'm ready for a van again. My son is almost 13 & is taller than me so it is hard for him to have leg room in a car!! It's the new generation of us SASSY MOMMA'S!!
Oh...and HELLO SKINNY MOMMA!! You look great!
It doesn't even look like a minivan! Way to own it. I too have minivan issues and swear I will not own one.....time will tell.
Love it!
It's pretty and you look great!!
I have not been on for awhile-
so I just wanted to say
I am so happy for you!
AND, can I look like you when I have my babes?!
You are amazing girl!
wellllll i cant say id jump to the dark side yet i still cant toy with the thought , i might never, but u look really cute modeling it and holy crap yr already sooo tiny again, u go girl!!!!! oh how is bein a momma of two??? u look like yr lovin it....
I never thought I would ever consider a mini van either, but lately thats what we have been talking about. I just cant bring myself to even think about giving up my SUV. Luckily, they are making mini vans pretty sassy these days.
I love minivans but I'm scared to drive them. Every time I drive my moms I almost wreck it. I’m jealous of those power doors.
yikes!! thats what after 14 years ive finally caved and we are going to get one soon too. what kind is that? im going back and forth between the honda and the toyota.
lookin cute!
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