I would like to take a minute to honor my hero on this Memorial Day. My Baby brother Matthew is a United States Marine and is currently serving in Iraq.
Mathew is so incredibly brave! I have never met someone so proud to serve and defend there country. I am so amazed at his willingness to sacrifice so much for our safety and freedom.
Not only is Matt so strong but he is also very loving and funny. No matter how grown up he gets I will always see him as that 7 year old kid twirling is hair begging me to build a tent. I love him so much and cant even begin to express how grateful I am for what he is doing and how proud I am to be his sister......

Matthew I love you more than you know and I pray everyday that the Lord brings you home safe. Thank you for all you do!

Matthew I love you more than you know and I pray everyday that the Lord brings you home safe. Thank you for all you do!
I have so much respect. My brother served in the National Guard. Three days after he graduated college he deployed to Iraq. (2 years ago). Thankfully he is safe at home now. I pray the same for your family!
I want to say thank you to your brother too. It is men and women like him who help us all enjoy our blessings. Thanks for the post about your brother on this Memorial Day!
Thanks for the sweet post. I love seeing happy siblings that love each other!
I will be praying he comes home safely too. Please Thank him for all he does!!!!
I'm so glad all went well (eventually) for your newest little Ian. Waiting on a NICU baby can be torture.
I have always enjoyed your blog when I've stopped by. Love the nursery theme. If you'd ever want to do a guest post blog on the way you decorate lmk!!!
Best Wishes
April, I got my machine at Sewing World by Rigimar Mall. It's a Brother Innov-is 900D. I called around getting quotes for it and then kind of used the stores against each other, well, I can get the same machine at Richland Sewing Center for $$$, can you beat that? They did too! I think I paid $399 for my machine and everywhere else wanted $599. It's a sewing/embroidery combo. I love it because it's all computerized and it has really improved my sewing. Embroidery wise it's ok, it could be better but it has taught me the fundimentals and it certainly makes nice projects. In the future I want to buy a seperate embroidery machine that holds 3-4 threads at a time.
That is an awesome post and pictures. I hope your brother stays safe while in Iraq and comes home safely!!!!
How sweet! I pray he comes home safely as well!
I couldn't help notice all the hairstyles you've had over the years. I loved the one that was short, that looked really good on you! You look cute no matter what tho :)
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