Tran 1
4 Box Pop Tarts 4/$9
4 Box Rice Crispy Treats 4/$9
used 4/$.50 off Pop Tarts target coupon HERE, 2/$1.00 off 2 Pop Tart, 2/$1.00 off Rice Crispy
OOP $12.00
earned 2/$5 gift cards
Tran 2
4 Box Cheeze-It 4/$9
used $10 gift card
OOP $0
Tran 3
12 Boxes of Mac n Cheese $.52 each
3 Koolaid $.20 each
3 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs $2.99 each
2 Kraft Singles $2.99 each
used 3/Free Oscar coupon All You mag, 2/Free Kraft All You Mag, $5, $1 gift card
OOP $.84
Total Value $48.79
Total OOP $12.84
Total Saved $35.95
I thought that the All You coupons expired the end of August. Do you have other ones? You sure hit the mother load!
I thought that the All You coupons expired the end of August. Do you have other ones? You sure hit the mother load!
I thought that the All You coupons expired the end of August. Do you have other ones? You sure hit the mother load!
Not sure if April's coupons were expired or not, but my store will take them even if they are expired. I think it depends on your store.
The All You coupons expire 9-30, I love these coupons I used the last of mine today :(
I walked out of Target today with pop tarts, cookies, special K bars, cheezits, three $5 gift cards, and a receipt to turn into Kelloggs rebate for $10. Yeah I was happy to make money on that deal. hehehehe
Nothing like Free CheezpIts and Pop Tarts to maka a girl smile :)But a $10 Rebate that is AWESOME!!!
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