Today I went to the doctor for a 25 week check up. I started having Contractions at about 19 week with this pregnancy so as an extra precaution my Dr. wanted to do another sonogram to just check and see how things were looking. Of coarse there was no argument on my part, I love any opportunity I get to take a sneak peke at my little peanut. Everything looked perfect he was one active little guy kicking and punching up a storm. I have a feeling it is going to be like the UFC at our house once the boys are bigger as much practice as they had in my belly. I also got to see him blinking and moving his mouth allot. The doctor said he was talking to me which doesn't surprise me, that an inherited trait from him momma lol!
Another reason for my visit today was my Glucose test, YUK!!! The first couple of sips of the sugary orange glucose drink was not so bad, the rest didn't go down as smoothly. I got really sick at the end of my appt, partially from laying on my back during the sonogram but mostly because of that nasty glucose drink :(
One big confirmation I got was the sex! I had already been told it was a boy during my last sonogram at 17 weeks, but being that it wasn't as obvious as it was with my first boy I wasn't completely convinced. I ether thought they were wrong or that we might have some big brother envy later on down the road. None the less it was more than apparent this time, lets just say he has grown allot in 8 weeks.
I also really wanted a good head shot because the last songram he wouldn't allow it. I wanted a nice sono pic that I could frame and use in his baby book. but of coarse again he would cooperate Stinker! I did get this adorable picture of his little hands which make me want to tear up up every time I see them. I swear I have counted the fingers 20 times already:)

Awww, that is so sweet :)
That is so beautiful! Isn't technology amazing? You can really count all of his fingers! :o)
awwww, melts my heart!! Sweet little boy!!
Aww, the pic of the hands is darling!
would u have died if they wouldve told u it was a girl..Lol but what sweet little hands he has!!!
That is such a sweet picture.
Congrats, two boys are a lot of fun.
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